Solutions for society

Impact where it matters. In the real World.


Leveraging our professional experience and our partnership with Huzza Alpha Borealis, we work with clients to solve their strategic problems. We have engaged on a wide range of topics, growth and value proposition; digital strategy and developing digital tools; organization. If we are passionate about the challenge and we have the opportunity to add value, we are the right partner.


Help building new business focused on sustainability and thinking about the future. We help strategically on the go to market and we invest for growth. Areas of interest: Clean water, sustainable farming and agricultural solutions; and new medical solutions.


We use our extensive network to provide the best access to commodities in need, Directly from producers, a World with economical food and energy. Leveraging the vast experience of its shareholders we have built a global network of partners that ensure clients with direct access to the sources though a streamlined process.


We support investors on large scale investment projects. We help build society for the better. We provide thought partnership on the strategy and value proposition and we work on doing the business case for the investment.


From, the most advanced mask in the world, to B-Pure Tech, the organic chemical solution to keep us safe. We invest on developing solutions when there are no good options available.


Full range of oil & gas products from crude to refined solutions. Available on a CIF basis or FOB in Rotterdam and Houston. Gasoil; Gasoline; D2 and D6; Aviation fuel (Jet A1); Light Crude Oil.


Full range of Micro nutrient fertilizers engineered to enrich crops with vital nutrients. Available on a CIF basis. Urea; Muriate of Potash (MAP); Di Ammonia Phosphate (DAP); Mono Ammonium Phosphate (MAP); Sulphate of Potash (SOP)


Direct access to the source of the most high demand metals sourced from Africa and Europe. Copper; Aluminium; Nickel.


Broad access to the producers of the country that is the source of food to the World - Brazil. Agricultural products like corn, soy and sugar are our priorities. We avoid animal products.

The project

The project

Uhma might look like just another mask, but is nothing like them. it is the first “human proof” mask! Yes, “human proof”. The only mask that protects everyone regardless of what they do with it. The only thing people have to do is wear it.  At last, the breakthrough you have been hoping for - safety and peace of mind to continue your daily life - is within reach... 

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B-Pure innovation

B-Pure innovation

B-Pure tech eliminates 99% of the viruses in less than 5 minutes thanks to a revolutionary self-cleaning function. Long lasting, more than 100 washes. Made with coconut fiber, B-Pure is the first self cleaning technology which is truly ecological. Eliminates virus and bacterias with no chemical reactions, by puncturing its external membrane.

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Built for comfort

Built for comfort

Adjustments for better fit. Inside seems to ensure air pocket and better breathing. Cotton internal layer for comfort. Polyester external layer for resistance.


Miguel Cal


18 years in Global Consulting firm McKinsey & Company. Board member of one of the top football clubs in Europe Sporting CP. Entrepreneur having launch several companies in past 3 years. Senior advisor of top companies globally, emphasis on strategy and growth.

João Paulo Correa Ramos


Attorney and legal consultant with more than 20 years of experience. Professor of Legal Hermeneutics and Public International Law. Reserve Officer of the Brazilian Air Force. Author of legal articles and the book "O Direito e o Ouro Negro" (The Law and the Black Gold petroleum.

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